Home JOYAM Dry Claw Vacuum Pump

A dry claw vacuum pump is a type of vacuum pump that operates without the need for lubricating oil in the compression chamber. Unlike tradition vacuum pumps, which rely on oil or water to create a seal and lubricate moving parts, dry claw vacuum pumps use pairs of claw-shaped rotors to compress air or gas.


Here’s how a dry claw vacuum pump typically works:

1.Claw Rotors: The pump contains two claw-shaped rotors that rotate in opposite directions. These rotors do not come in contact with each other.

2.Air Intake: As the rotors rotate, they create a moving space between them. Air or gas is drawn into this space through an intake port.

3.Compression: As the rotors continue to rotate, the volume between the claw-shaped lobes decreases, compressing the air or gas.

4.Discharge: The compressed air or gas is forced out of the pump through a discharge port.


Sealing: The design of the claw rotors ensures that there is no physical contact between them, eliminating the need for lubricating oil in the compression chamber. This makes the pump “dry” in the sense that it does not rely on oil for sealing or lubrication.


Dry claw vacuum pumps offer several advantages over traditional Vacuum Pumps, including:

Cleaner Operation: Since there is no oil in the compression chamber, there is no risk of oil contamination in the pumped gas or air.

Lower Maintenance: Dry claw pumps typically require less maintenance compared to oil-sealed pumps because there is no oil to monitor, change, or dispose of.

Environmentally Friendly: The absence of oil in the pump reduces the risk of oil leaks or spills, making dry claw pumps more environmentally friendly.

These pumps are commonly used in applications in industries, as in the pharmaceutical, food processing, dairy, Chemical etc.